How To Renew Your Driver’s License

Posted by on 16 May 2022 under Blog, General, Group 1 Cars

Happy vehicle owner

A step-by-step guide top renewing your SA driver’s license

Your driver’s license has expired. Oops! During the COVID lockdown/ languish, nobody wanted to stand in a queue for a license, and in any case, a lot of the time the license offices were closed because the staff had COVID. So the authorities kept extending and extending the grace period for getting it. And then they did not anymore. The end of April was the end of grace and that was that. So what now?

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Car Safety Features: A Definitive Guide

Posted by on 25 Apr 2022 under Blog, Car Buying Tips, Clio, General, Group 1 Cars, Polo, X-Trail

Safety belt

Everthing you need to know about car safety features

Modern cars are laden with car safety features which have come a long way since the first seatbelts came out during the 1930s. From airbags and anti-lock brakes to traction control and reverse cameras, many car safety features have been added to ensure better protection in the event of an accident. In light of these advancements, and since road safety is a primary focus at Group1 Cars, we wanted to share a detailed guide on the various car safety features.

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Warranties, Service Plans And Roadside Assistance –
The Details

Posted by on 13 Apr 2022 under Blog, Car Buying Tips, General, Group 1 Cars

Vehicle engine

Learn the difference between warranties, service plans and roadside assistance

Old people believed that a car will develop an expensive problem one month and one week after its warranty runs out. Old people should not always be trusted, but in this case, they may be onto something. Maybe not the timing, but definitively the expensive part.

When you buy a new car or a newer used one, you will be confronted by a warranty, a service plan and/or a maintenance plan and probably some sort of roadside assistance. It will look something like this: manufacturer’s warranty 5-years/120 000km, service plan 3-years/60 000km and roadside assistance 3-years/60 000km. They mean so many years or so many kilometres, whichever comes first.

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Highway Driving vs City Driving: Which Is Better For A Car?

Posted by on 29 Mar 2022 under Blog, BMW 3 Series, Car Buying Tips, Clio, Fiesta, General, Group 1 Cars, Ranger, Up!, Volkswagen

Motorists on a highway

Which type of driving is better for your car?

Have you ever asked yourself which is better for your car: highway driving or city driving? When it comes to purchasing a used car, this is an important question to consider since one type is less taxing on a vehicle than the other, which can actually damage it more over time. The answer might surprise you!

Is Highway Driving Better For A Car Than City Driving?

Sometimes referred to as motorway driving or highway mileage vs town mileage, there are many differences in how the two types affect a vehicle. With that in mind, is highway driving bad for your car? It is a common question since it would be easy to assume highway driving is worse with travelling further and faster.

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The Four Most Popular Car Shapes People Buy

Posted by on 21 Mar 2022 under Blog, Car Buying Tips, General, Group 1 Cars

Underground parking with various cars

Which cars are people buying the most?

When is it an SUV and when a crossover? What’s the difference between a convertible and a cabriolet? Is a two-door sedan a coupé? It all can be rather confusing. There are a number of main car shapes, and those shapes became popular because they fulfilled a specific driving need. So, you ask, why would someone need a tank-sized 4×4 SUV when they only use it to drop the kids at school and go to the mall? There is actually a logical answer to that, but we will get to that.

When you go looking for a car, there are four main shapes to thinks of, with variants in each shape.

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A Handy List Comparing Parts Of Similar Cars

Posted by on 28 Jan 2022 under Blog, General, Group 1 Cars

Car engine

Car parts comparison

For most of us, when we buy a car, we look with our heart – sort of fall in love. Then we look at the purchase price to see if we can afford it. Nothing kills off love as much as not being able to afford the first date. Eventually, we settle for a car we can afford and convince ourselves that this is actually our true love. Okay, some just put the key in and vroom off, but you get the drift.

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Essential Equipment To Have In Your Car For Emergencies

Posted by on 10 Dec 2021 under Blog, General, Group 1 Cars

Emergency kit items

Tools and equipment to keep in your car incase of a breakdown or emergency

Every car should have basics in case of a breakdown and every driver should know how to use those basics. The further away from civilisation you move, the more comprehensive your basics should be. But even in the biggest cities, you will travel in areas that seem pretty empty and you would want to be totally empty if you get a flat tyre. The difference between the good and the not-good Samaritan will only become apparent when they are very close to you.

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Why It’s Vital To Fit The Best Type Of Tyres For Your Car

Posted by on 24 Nov 2021 under General, Group 1 Cars

Assortment of tyres

Which tyres are the best for YOUR car?

If you consider that tyres are the only contact your car has with the road, choosing the best types of tyres becomes a crucial process. As a car owner, road safety and tyre care should be your main priority so it’s important to maintain them properly and understand how they work.

Changing car tyres is something we all have to do at some point but with so many brands on the market, finding the best types of tyres can be quite a challenge. Not everyone is a tyre specialist and motorists are easily overwhelmed by the differences in quality and price.

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The Pre-Owned Sedan – Best Value For Money Buy

Posted by on 10 Nov 2021 under Blog, Car Buying Tips, Car Reviews, General, Group 1 Cars

Audio A4 sedan

Best value for money cars for sale? Sedans.

Change creates opportunity. Let’s consider the fate of the compact sedan and the incredible value for money opportunity it offers the buyer like you – looking for a great pre-owned car with all the features you would want.

In the recent past, the sedan has increasingly been replaced by the more popular configurations, the SUVs and the hatch. It is almost a fashion thing rather than a practical thing. I test drove a Hyundai Elantra recently and was very impressed. It is a smart-looking car, roomy and luxurious, with an enormous boot. It had all the nice features today’s discerning driver could wish for. But it was not always thus.

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When To Tow Your Car Instead Of Driving To A Workshop

Posted by on 13 Oct 2021 under Blog, General, Group 1 Cars

Person inspecting vehicle's engine

Know when to call a tow truck and when it’s safe to drive to a workshop

I once saw a mom tow her son’s car down a hill. At the stop sign at the bottom of the hill, his car rammed hers pretty hard. Turns out his brakes had stopped working and she was towing him to the garage. Jawellnofine. But it does raise the question of when you can drive your car to be fixed and when you should rather have it towed in. By a tow truck, not your mom.

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