Our Favourite Budget Cars With Digital Instrument Clusters
Posted by Group1 Cars on 10 Sep 2021 under Blog, General, Group 1 Cars, Hyundai, Renault

Looking for an afforable car with a digital instrument cluster? Here’s our top 4 choices!
Cars have changed significantly in recent years with touchscreen systems and other luxury features no longer reserved for high-end models. Today, digital instrument clusters are fast gaining popularity and are a common sight in most affordable cars.
That’s not all, though, as many newer, budget cars also have wireless charging, auto climate control, and touchscreen systems only seen before on premium models. If you are in the market for affordable cars with digital instrument clusters, Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, here are the top four available at Group1 Cars.
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How AfCFTA Can Help Promote Local Car Manufacturing
Posted by Group1 Cars on 27 Aug 2021 under Blog, General, Group 1 Cars

Local car manufacturing in Africa could be boosted by AfCFTA
The pandemic caused severe economic and social disruption globally and it hit Africa particularly hard with many people likely experiencing extreme poverty. For this reason, it’s vital to work together and implement economic policies that will support industrialisation, create jobs and promote trade and investment in local automotive manufacturing.
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How Much Oil Consumption Is Normal For Your Car?
Posted by Group1 Cars on 09 Jul 2021 under Blog, General, Group 1 Cars

Knowing if your car uses too much oil is crucial
As a result of wear and tear, cars are likely to use more engine oil as they get older. Although higher oil consumption is a common problem, when it’s ignored, it can cause major damage to your engine. In this article we take a closer look at the most common causes of high oil consumption and how to prevent it.
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The (Cons And) Cons Of Always Driving On Reserve
Posted by Group1 Cars on 11 Jun 2021 under Blog, General, Group 1 Cars

Why it’s a bad idea to drive on empty
Driving your car on reserve is like snorkelling in False Bay, just past Miller’s Point where the water gets quite deep but is very clear. If you think this sentence is based on experience, you are right. You go down, 10, 15 metres. You can see forever. Look, an octopus over there. Is that a pyjama shark? Ooh, a cuttlefish. You realise you are running out of air, so you beam up. But from the bottom, the surface is just this vague brightness. You cannot judge how close you are to getting that now urgent breath of air.
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A Few Things To Check On Your Car Every Six Months
Posted by Group1 Cars on 12 May 2021 under General, Group 1 Cars

Make sure to have your car checked out every 6 months
Some like to tinker with their cars, most of us do not. As long as it gets you from here to there and back with no fuss, your car is just that thing in the driveway. But cars are made up of many parts, some needing to move freely, while others absolutely have to stay where they are. Just think of RPM – revolutions per minute. Say your car runs at 4000 RPM for one hour, that means your crankshaft has turned 240 000 times in that time. Please don’t dismantle your engine to check the crankshaft – this is just a way of showing how much movement there is. Also, your crankshaft will quickly let you know if it runs out of crank.
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Four Tips For When You Have To Drive In Fog
Posted by Group1 Cars on 23 Apr 2021 under General, Group 1 Cars

How to stay safe when driving in foggy weather
Mist is somehow romantic, evocative, a hazy enveloping thing that harks of fireplaces and confectionery. Fog is not. It’s dense, damp, sounds like a swearword and very bad to drive in. The best way to drive in fog is to not. But sometimes you have to, so here are a few tips.
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A Step-by-Step Guide On Car Manufacturing
Posted by Group1 Cars on 08 Apr 2021 under Blog, General, Group 1 Cars

How cars are made
Car manufacturing has come a long way since the early days with Henry Ford laying the foundation for assembly lines and supply chain management. However, vehicle design and the materials used today have become far more intricate and as technology develops and industry demand changes.
Not all car manufacturing plants operate in the same way but the process does involve similar steps from concept and design to production and launch. This can take anywhere from two to five years as the manufacturer must make sure the car is in excellent condition for public use.
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The Coolest Part Of Your Car – The Aircon
Posted by Group1 Cars on 05 Mar 2021 under Blog, General, Group 1 Cars

Things you should know about your car’s air-conditioner
In the olden days, real men had mahogany tanned right arms, because they used to drive with their elbows sticking out of the open window (to show off their biceps). Actually, the window was open to cool the car down. Most cars did not have aircon – in fact, road trips during summer were often done at night to avoid the heat.
Even though air conditioners for cars go as far back as the ‘30s, they were rare for the next fifty years, found only in luxury cars. With time, the cost of aircon came down and by the ‘90s most cars had them. There are very few cars now without.
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5 Ways To Avoid Accidents – Beyond Booze And Speed
Posted by Group1 Cars on 25 Feb 2021 under Blog, General, Group 1 Cars

Accidents aren’t all caused by speeding or drunken driving
My neighbour knocked over a Pride of India tree on my sidewalk and demolished part of my garden wall with her Fiat 500. It was like being attacked by a yuppie skateboard. Her oversized sheepskin slippers got caught between accelerator and brake and that caused the trouble. No-one was hurt, but . . .
When we think of what causes accidents, we rightly jump right into drunk and reckless driving and speeding. So we don’t do those things, yet we still see or have accidents. Like my neighbour. Let’s look at some of the common causes of accidents.
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